With the election of Donald Trump to be the next president of the United States, those who care about faith, life and liberty may well breathe a sigh of relief. Could our nation have survived four more years of progressive leadership? At least for now, we don’t have to find out.
The decisive result was a clear repudiation of the values that the Democrat party has championed for the last four years. And it’s nice to know that America will say ‘enough’ if pushed too far. While Vice President Harris did her best to obscure her radical ideas about race, gender, guns, the border, climate, health policy, criminal justice (pretty much all the things Americans care about), she could not convince voters that she was even as moderate as her predecessor claimed. Fool me once…
For someone who just conceded the White House to a man she called a fascist, Ms Harris seems pretty chill…
Americans don’t want to be talked down to or told what they should value, especially when they can’t even afford groceries. We were told it would take two weeks to flatten the curve, that mandates were unavoidable because the President was growing impatient, that the vaccine would stop the spread, that religion was not essential, that the overflowing border was just seasonal migration, that the men beating women in sports are women, that inflation was transitory, that Joe Biden was sharp as a tack, that living wasn’t really getting more expensive (the economy is the best it’s been!) – it’s just the conspiracy theorists getting in your head.
Unreality sure needs a lot of propaganda to make it stick. To paraphrase the late George Michael: All they had to do, now, was take those lies and make them true… somehow.
It’s not clear though, that the Democrats have understood what lead to their defeat. Senator Bernie Sanders spotted that the party had lost the support of working classes. Conservative CNN contributor Scott Jennings tried explaining to his colleagues that Dems ticked off the working class by dismissing their concerns. More than that, what initially appears to be simple hypocrisy – when it comes to what Dem elites preach versus what they do – is actually entitlement: they believe they are better than the hoi polloi. Journalist Ari Fleischer collected exit polling data that shows that whatever they think they are, leaders on the left are Western Educated Industrialized Rich Democratic.
If the online outpouring of despair is anything to go by, it would seem maybe Dems have gaslit so hard, they’ve fooled themselves too. They believe their own press. (Literally, in this case! with all major media outlets running cover for every bad policy.) Women who voted for VP Harris were weeping and screaming about their lost rights, yet it’s hard to say what rights they’ve lost. Some are finding it hard to accept that their ideas, policies and values are just not popular in America. Or if they are, it couldn’t be that the ideas are bad, just that Americans don’t know what’s good for them.
Late night hosts barely contained their dismay and contempt for Republican voters, students at elite colleges needed a day off, finding they just couldn’t carry on with the thought of such a terrible future hanging over us all. Some lawmakers, media operatives and Democrats online were convinced the loss showed that they just didn’t factor in the stupidity, the racism and the misogyny of the electorate. One X influencer blamed the media for “sane washing” everything Donald Trump did. The women of The View blamed “uneducated” white women for not doing their part.
Hopefully, they will sort themselves out and oust the extremists from their midst. But I’m not counting on that happening just yet. Texas Democratic Party chairman Gilberto Hinojosa had to step down after suggesting that maybe the Party’s gender ideology was a bit much for most Americans. When you have Democrat men voting to secure abortion for their daughters, and Republican men voting to keep their daughters safe from illegal immigrants and transvestites, you see the divide. It may be that that progressives would rather have the party die than actually change their mind. They will need to decide.
Whatever a second Trump administration does end up accomplishing, it seems that America has a stay on the advance of the left’s socialist vision and we can thank Jesus for that. Probably not a hard reset, but a return to something less hostile to faith, family, property and nation. Think like a 90s New York liberal and you’ll get the idea.