Sitemap - 2020 - MadPx Mondays
BHoP#021 2020 The Year You Forgot You Forgot
SMChill212620 Twas the Day After Christmas
BHoP#019 The SF AntiMa(sk) Bloc of Suffragettes
SMChill121220 Sticky Viral Thingys Aren't About You - Bounce
Talk Them Into It Week 12 - Advent 3 - St. Stephen Observed
BHoP#018 Decimating 4H Cancer circa 1983
SMChill120520 Happy New Year 202?
SMChill112820 Thanksgiving RetroSpectacular
BHoP#017 Re-Wilding Venture Gamification vs Camp-Minded Ideological Free Fall
SMChill112120 Who's Crazy Now! - Let's Talk Patience
BHoP#016 Opting Out of the Great Reset
044 All Saints' Day: Matrilineal Ministryx
BHoP#015 Social Democratic Patronage Regimes and How to Spot Them
SMChill110720 Breath The World is Ending... Slowly
Talk Them Into It Week 9 - Special! - Zoom Bible Study
BHoP#014 1787 Didn‘t Plan for That - From Suleyman to Orange Man Bad
SMChill110720 Forged in Babylon
BHoP#013 When Your Country Falls Apart
MadPx Election Night Special - When you Trust in Princes
SMChill: Blue (Moon Red) Lunacy
BHoP#012 OCCUPY Ben Shapiro and Ice Chips
043 Reformation: The Devil You Lie To Yourself About
Talk Them Into It Week 6 - Jude Observed
BHoP#010 PostAmerican Boomtown
SMChill: Apocalyptic Dualities
BHoP#009 Magic, Debt, and Jeff [Redacted]
Talk Them Into It Week 3: Michaelmas Observes
BHoP#008 Twin Lynches and Inglorious Quentins
Stop the White Noise: Bump Computer Talk by Verny
SMChill: Mad Discord Solemnly Swears We Are Up To No Good
BHoP#007 Trans-Brittania‘s Age of Aquarius
Harder Softer and Math is Sexist
Hypocrisy ain’t all it’s cracked up to be
Hypocrisy ain’t all it’s cracked up to be
BHoP#005 Dewy Sputnik and the Ubermensch
SMChill: Talk Them Into It Week 1
BHoP#004 Pejorative Pride: The Irish in Wonderland
Your Pact with Death - Isaiah COVID and the Book of Woes
BHoP#003 Colonial Semi-Shemitism and other Sordid Historical Anomalies
BHoP#002 Viva Le Caesar! Viva Revolution!
SMChill: Trust is the Fear Killer
BHoP#001 Beware the Lizard Men
SMChill - Fear is the Mind Killer 080820
SMChill Vaccinology And Other Similar White Noise Challenges
The Good Kind Of Slavery - Trinity 7
SMC072520 The Wrong Culture War
Nothing ventured, nothing gained
Nothing ventured, nothing gained
Bonus Sermon: Romans 6 The Fourteen Words And Fulfillment
Bonus: SMChill - Religion, Politics, and Masks - 071820
Bonus Sermon: The Road To Zion
Bonus: SMChill - The States of Disunion - 071120
Bonus: SMChill The Ides of July - Full Moon Day 070420
Bonus: Be Humiliated June 2020
Bonus: SMChill - Koontz, the Rock, Jocko and Bret W's clear sense - Kalends 062720
0162 STWN III w/Bryan Wolfmueller and Jonathan Fisk
125 Pentecost 3: In Our Father's Hand
“Our society expects nothing of men”
0161 STWN II w/Bryan Wolfmueller and Jonathan Fisk
SMChill - A Crisis of Conscience - The Kalends of June, 2020
0160 STWN I w/Bryan Wolfmueller and Jonathan Fisk
0159 SMChill 053020 - On Havens
Ek-Grateia, the Way of Outer Power
0158 SMChill 052320 - I'm on Your Side
0158 SMChill 052320 - I'm on Your Side
Bonus Madness 051220 - Ideaology is Ideaolatry
0157 SMChill 051620 - Karpos is Waiting
0156 SMChill 050920 - The Title is only Propaganda
019 Easter 5: God Speaks and It Is
Bonus Madness 050720 - Not with Adam
0155 SMChill 050220 - Where's Your Wand, Harry
Bonus: Bryan and Jonathan Shelter in Place - 050220
0154 SMChill 041820 - Sons of Hell's Cow-Killer Killers and More!
0153 SMChill 041820 - Formula Ps 33, Grape Juice Erroneousness and More
0152 SMChill 041120 - Vigil 2020 - Particularly Glorious
Bonus: 003 MadCoronaDaily - Crushed Skulls and Wailing Moms
Bonus: MadCoronaDaily Ep 019 - The Tragedy of King Saul
0151 SMChill 040420 - MadCoronaDaily Ep 018 - Plop it in a Pie Pan and Call it Fudge
Bonus: 002 MadCoronaDaily - Turning the Noise Off
Bonus: 001 MadCoronavirusDaily - St Paul Rockford special intro edition
Bonus: MadCoronaDaily Ep 013 - Eli, Samuel, and the God who Remembers
0150 SMChill 032820 - Mad Corona Daily 012
Bonus: At Least We Got That Goin' for Us
0149 SMChill 032120 - Mad Corona Daily 005
0148 SMChill 031420 - Corona Virus and Infant Communion
Bonus: They're Coming to Get You
SMChill 030720 - Atreides Rising
0147 Harry Potter and the Frightful Agora
Bonus: Sermon-Judge Vs. Accuser
SMC030120 The Once every 4 Years Show
SMC022320 Wisdom, Terms of Scale, People like “That,” and more
Bonus: Sermon on The Number 40
0146 Warrior of the Enlightened Mind: The Heidelberg Disp. for Dummies
Bonus: The Lord’s Supper and the Church on Issues Etc. Part 3
Bonus: The Lord’s Supper and the Church on Issues Etc. Part 2
0145 The Second Wisdom, and the Devolution of the Species w Bryan Wolfmueller