Sitemap - 2021 - MadPx Mondays

BHoP#073 Heroes of the Curb (The Year that Was)

Check list not included

017 Christmas Special 2021

Saved from your own good works

After Christmas Preached - Promises!

After Christmas Preached - Promises!

Christmas Day Preached - You are the House!

Christmas Day Preached - You are the House!

Christmas Eve Preached

Christmas Eve Preached

BHoP#072 Enlarging the Heart

Checking the indulgence

A slow formation

Livin' la Lord's Day Loca

016 When Depression Gets Real

Flesh gonna flesh

Selah's delight, selah's warning

Some dreams must die

Opiate of the masses

The juicy stuff

015 No Substitute for Obvious

Not a prophet nor the son of a prophet

It doesn't have to be from your heart

Running without being sent

Valid for eternity

BHoP#071 Slay the Minotaur

014 Electing to Pray

BHoP#070 A Mirror of Our Dreams

How to Read the Bible: Malachi - Part II

How to Read the Bible: Malachi - Part II

How to Read the Bible: Malachi - Part I

How to Read the Bible: Malachi - Part I

Hollywood, the drug of a nation

013 Obsess on the good

Eating and drinking can do such great things

Casting bread and paying it forward

Suffer long and prosper

How to Read the Bible: Zechariah - Part II

How to Read the Bible: Zechariah - Part II

How to Read the Bible: Zechariah - Part I

How to Read the Bible: Zechariah - Part I

BHoP#069 The Shiny Staircase of Harmless Frivolity

BHoP#068 Thanksgiving

A Thanksgiving table in this wilderness

Idolatry is tricksy but forgiveness is precious

Thumb on the scales

012 Pain and Crosses

Our Father knows best

Your life is in the hands of God

Luther, St James and the straw man

How to Read the Bible: Daniel - Part II

How to Read the Bible: Daniel - Part II

How to Read the Bible: Daniel - Part I

How to Read the Bible: Daniel - Part I

How to Read the Bible: Jonah - Part II

How to Read the Bible: Jonah - Part II

How to Read the Bible: Jonah - Part I

How to Read the Bible: Jonah - Part I

011 Illusion of Control

Even in Delaware

BHoP#064 Upwind in Survival Conditions

The Justinian Option

How to Read the Bible: Philippians - Part II

How to Read the Bible: Philippians - Part II

How to Read the Bible: Philippians - Part I

How to Read the Bible: Philippians - Part I

010 Arrogance and Judgment

Getting past bread

The organization of King Solomon

Rock bottom is a great place to start

BHoP#065 Going Dark

Dreams, revelation and terrors in the night

009 Crawl in a hole and die

But we see Jesus

008 The AntiReality Juggernaut Society

How to Read the Bible: Colossians - Part II

How to Read the Bible: Colossians - Part II

How to Read the Bible: Colossians - Part I

How to Read the Bible: Colossians - Part I

BHoP#063 The Pinkerton Owners` Circumscription Society

092 Trinity 18: Less Imagination

How to Read the Bible: Ephesians - Part II

How to Read the Bible: Ephesians - Part II

How to Read the Bible: Ephesians - Part I

How to Read the Bible: Ephesians - Part I

007 Inoculatory Realities

Things can go downhill fast

094 Trinity 20: It's Become a Cartoon

You had your turn

BHoP#062 Never Alone with Demons

The TV ate my brain

The Von Trapps didn't have a TV

How to Read the Bible: Acts - Part II

How to Read the Bible: Acts - Part II

How to read your Bible: Acts - Part I

How to read your Bible: Acts - Part I

Not so hasty

006 No Local Support

The Religion of Lost Time

Use at your own risk

How to Read the Bible: Matthew - Part I

005 Pray for a Man of God

How to Read the Bible: Matthew - Part I

Speak about God like he hears you

Are you biblical or not?

May cause some emotional discomfort

Death Comes (En Espanol)

How to read your Bible: Isaiah - Part II

How to read your Bible: Isaiah - Part II

How to read the Bible: Proverbs, Isaiah - Part I

How to read the Bible: Proverbs, Isaiah - Part I

004 Slow Avalanching

Domestic bliss and how less is more

BHoP#059 The Slow Avalanche

Check your Idolatry

BHoP#058 The Left - Devoted to Destruction

Seeds, soulmates and the world to come

How to read the Bible: Proverbs - Part II

How to read the Bible: Proverbs - Part II

How to read the Bible: Proverbs - Part I

How to read the Bible: Proverbs - Part I

003 The World is Upside Down

090 Trinity 16: Trustless

We can't all be Batman

Daily bread and living in Babylon

What worldliness looks like

How to read the Bible: Pray the Psalms - Part II

How to read the Bible: Pray the Psalms - Part II

How to read the Bible: Pray the Psalms - Part I

How to read the Bible: Pray the Psalms - Part I

002 Small Steps and the Slow Avalanche

Spirit vs Flesh (Part II)

Spirit vs Flesh (Part II)

Spirit vs Flesh (Part I)

Spirit vs Flesh (Part I)

The Martyrdom of St John the Baptist (Part II)

The Martyrdom of St John the Baptist (Part II)

The Martyrdom of St John the Baptist (Part I)

The Martyrdom of St John the Baptist (Part I)

Time for Wisdom

Time for Wisdom

BHoP#057 Off Limits Thoughts and Where to Find Them

SMChill082821 Soul Rendered

SMChill082121 Tetragrammaton!

SMChill090421 Like a tree

001 Like a Tree

BHOP#056 Losing at Risk (Graveyard of Empires)

BHoP#055 Questions and Prospects

Bonus! Sermon-Theo Tokos Magnificat

SMChill081421 Simplicity vs Today

BHoP#054 Called to Defend

BHoP#053 Rewilding vs Higher Ed Part 2

SMChill080721 Welcome to the Ever-War

Bonus! Sermon-House of Prayer, Den of Thieves

The Problem of Sin

SMChill073121 Go Go Yoga Flame!

Rewilding vs Higher Ed: Part 1

BHoP#051 Rewilding Pagan Ways

SMChill072421 Confessions of a Former Warlock and Other Neighborhood Friends

SMChill071721 The Torment is Fo Real, Reckon Your Worldview Shattering

James Son of Thunder-Zeal with Knowledge is Fire and Light

Bonus! Sermon-St. Mary Magdalene Observed

Kid Prison - Part 4

Kid Prison - Part 3

SMChill071021 Get to Your Gate

Bonus! Sermon-The Lamp of Darkness

Owned Minority Status

The Visitation

SMChill070321 Seasoned with Salt

Beneficial Disruptive Change

SMChill062621 A Time to Build

SMChill061921 Losing Your Mind

Kid Prison - Part 2

Kid Prison - Part 1

BHoP#044 Control of Gun Culture with Willie Grills Part 2

SMChill052921 Ride the Whirlwind (ext)

Bonus! Sermon-Trinity 2

075 Trinity 1: I Am Not Your Disappointment

Bonus! Sermon- Trinity 202X

SMChill052921 Ride the Whirlwind

BHoP#043 Control of Gun Culture with Willie Grills Part 1

Fit to serve

BHoP#042 The Casino of Image-N-Nation

SMChill052221 The Fragmentation Continues on Schedule


073 Pentecost: Ask It Why

BHoP#041 Cartoons Change, Channels Don‘t

Bonus! Sermon-Chariots of Fire

SMChill051521Traumatic Eventualities

Argentina – Built to Suit Needs

Bonus! Sermon-Easter 6, Fiery Snakes and James

SMChill050821 Things Jesus Hates

BHoP#039 Ideologically Salvable Sectionally

St. Mark Observed Easter 4

SMChill050121 May Day

BHoP#038 Nothing Fatherly

BHoP#037 Opt Out to Opt In

Bonus! Sermon-Easter 3

SMChill041721 Lateness part 2

BHoP#036 Eunuchian Normalization

Bonus! - Sermon: Easter 2 Dry Bones and Jesus

SMChill041021 Lateness

BHoP#035 Surviving Our Assumed Futures

He is Risen

SMChill040321 More Glorious

SMChill032721 The Disciple

Bonus: Sermon: Why Palm Sunday?

BHoP#034 The Gilded Depression

Bonus! - Sermon: Annunciation Observed - Lent 4

SMChill032021 Ye Are Gods

BHoP#033 Deinstitutionalizing Psychosis

BHoP#032 Posers Rule

SMChill031321 Mishpat For Good Measure

Bonus! - Sermon: Romans 4 - Lent 4 - St Joseph Observed

BHoP#031 Reconstructive Terrorism and Domestic Wars

Bonus! - Sermon: Ephesians 5 - Lent 3

SMChill030621 Executive Disorder

SMChill022721 The Eyes of a Fool

Marry Hope - Romans 5 - Lent 2

BHoP#030 The Plantation of Debt Harvesting

BHoP#029 The Metaphorical Family

Lent 1: Victory

SMChill022021 Mourning for Saul

BHoP#028 Thundercats Ho! - Educating Tribal Pride

SMChill021321 Snow Fear Day

Bonus: Sermon! - Matthias Observed - Transfiguration

Bonus - Sermon! - The Presentation Of Our Lord Observed.

BHoP#027 When The Turbines Took Off - Greenwashing Puberty Blockers and Mother Science

SMChill020621 Still Under the Influence

BHoP#026 Grave Hopes

SMChill013021 Gaslight Babble On Curse A Lot Land

Bonus: Sermon - Conversion of Saint Paul Observed

BHoP#025 Our Berlin Wall

SMChill012321 I Believe

Bonus! - Sermon: St. Timothy Observed

BHoP#024 Our Struggle - A Broken Civil Covenant

SMChill011621 Where is your God now?

The Confession of Saint Peter

BHoP#023 Bakumatsu Japan - A World without Yankees?

SMChill010921 Brave Old World

Bonus: Sermon! - Epiphany Observed - Mystery of the Church - Eph 3

BHoP#022 It's Not About Biden

The Naming of Jesus and the Fatherhood of God

SMChill010221 A Different Kind of Battle