Sitemap - 2023 - MadPx Mondays

Hear the Word of Jesus O Ye Nations!

There Are More of Us Than You

Helping Your Coworkers: 7 Ways to Get Things Done (and Share Your Faith)

Gods of Water and Metal

The Everlasting Gospel: Part 2 – How To

Merry Christmas!

A Very Merry, Vagabond Christmas

Advent 4: The LovingKindness of God Our Savior – Christmas '23

Advent 4: Advent of the Great Men

Missouri Was Silent: There We Stood – Part II

2 John - to the Elect

Retain Your Own Attention

205 Advent 3: Why MadPXM?

What will it cost?

Who was St John the Baptist?

Advent 3: Christian Comfort in and through Affliction – Isaiah 40

The Everlasting Gospel: Part 1 – The History of Evangelism in America

The Wild West of Political Theology: Part 3 - Even More Cheaply, from China

What If I Just Stopped?

204 Advent 2: Unity Achieved

Two Ages Mindset

Advent 2: Claim the Promises, Trust the Christ – Ω

Advent 2: Claim the Promises, Trust the Words – Α

The Psycho Logos and the Stiff Ghost

The Weight of Hope

A Call to Action from St. James

203 Advent 1: Qui Bono?

Cornucopia of Questions

Advent 1 – Ω

Advent 1 – Α

The Wild West of Political Theology: Part 2 – Rule by Men, Rule by Law, and Javier’s Hair

Advent Devotional begins...

Systems Failure

202 The Last Sunday: Media Matters

American Underground: Part 5

Christ the King – Ω

Christ the King – Α

Treading on Demons

Universality and ethnicity in Paul’s churches

There We Stood: Against the Rising Trust in Man

The Wild West of Political Theology: Part I – The LCMS is #3 as #1 Acting like #2

201 Pentecost 25: First Draft 2

Secularism and the Martyrs: Part 3

The King with Healing Hands

Secularism and the Martyrs: Part 2

Secularism and the Martyrs: Part 1

200 Pentecost 24: First Draft

Fight for life

End Times 3 – Ω

End Times 3 – Α

Sowing Seeds and Reaping Chaos

A War of the Spirit

The Long Train of Q.A.

American Underground: Part 4

199 All Saints: Edgar, the Cabbage

A new normal

Edgar, the Cabbage

All Saints Means All Cleaned – Z

All Hallows: Holy is Clean – A

Solve for Elon - Freedom is Capacity to Fail

In The Gentle Way: It’s Not Just for Delicates

What is Dispensationalism?

198 Reformation Day: The Smaller Picture

Reformation B

Reformation A

The Rug of Many Colours

American Retail Religion – Old Fashioned Hippies and Jesus People Reformation

American Underground: Part 3

197 Pentecost 21: Brotherhood

Charity Alone! - the Grace of God and and Certain Hope in Christ - Set Apart Main Event 2024


Chesed חסד

Babeling about Nations

What is Zionism?

196 Pentecost 20: Of Rumor and War

Truth Alone! 2 – Set Apart 2023

Truth Alone! 1 – Set Apart 2023

American Underground: Part 2

Live forever or die trying

Water Warring

Sucked Through Affect

195 Pentecost 19: Empowered by Patience

Trust Alone! 2 – Set Apart 2023

Cities of the Mountains and Plains

Trust Alone! 1 – Set Apart 2023

A Note of Suspicion

Hospitality for the Dog(men)

Pufendorf’s Uncertainty Index

The Fall of the Spirit World: Angels and Demons ‘23 – Part II

The Invention of Lucifer and Other Sundry Theodicies: Angels and Demons '23 Part I

194 St Michael and All Angels: This is Dignity

American Underground: Part 1

Family Life In Crisis…And Renewal

Arrows in the Quiver

Outsourcing Formula 1 – AI and Original Sin

No, Really, You are Not Alone

You Are Not Alone

193 Pentecost 17: Double Down

Border Wars: Part 6

Imitation for Disciples: How Paul Passed on the Faith

Life at the end of the world

Q&A – The Renegade Act and other Sundry Segues

Joseph – Part VIII

Joseph – Part VII

The Funeral of Frank Ciprys

192 Pentecost 16: ChatGPT is a Stupid Robot

Border Wars: Part 5

Beauty ex machina

“Paladins: הַקְהֵל!”

The Exit from History: Part 1 – From Mainline to Mainstream

Joseph – Part VI: Going Through It

Joseph – Part V: Going Through It

191 Pentecost 15: His People Are Free

Border Wars: Part 4

Let the Wise Mourn


Joseph – Part IV: God Speaks, He Lives

Joseph – Part III: From the Depths

190 Pentecost 14: Heed, O Sons of God

From the Ramparts of Ziklag

Border Wars: Part 3

Joseph – Part II: Coat of Many Colors

Joseph – Part I: Coat of Many Colors

189 Pentecost 13: A True Brother

Border Wars: Part 2

By Faith = Trust in Jesus Christ Alone

188 Pentecost 12: It's Poetry

Border Wars: Part 1

187 Pentecost 11: Bent Light

The New Pioneers

186 Pentecost 10: Moment by Moment

2023 Men’s Gathering Opening Session

185 Pentecost 9: The Way of Outer Power

Calling an audible..

Not Fleeing to the Mountains

Chase the Rainbow – Z

Chase the Rainbow – E

184 Pentecost 8: Optimism is Mandatory

A Sincere Faith

Sound of interference

Chase the Rainbow – B

Chase the Rainbow – C

Rule by Electric Desk

A True Scot

Chase the Rainbow – A

Species that Require Fire

One Week to fight the Beast – B

One Week under the Beast – A

A fellowship of brothers

181 Pentecost 5: A Kingdom of Tongues

Myth of America: Part 5 – Go Home, Young Man

The Journey: 3 Weeks to Build an Ark – F

The Journey: 3 Weeks to Build an Ark – E

180 Pentecost 4: Fight Back 2023

180 Pentecost 4: Fight back 2023

The Journey: 3 Weeks to Build an Ark – D

The Journey: 3 Weeks to Build an Ark – C

179 Pentecost 3: Ahead of the Curve

The Myth of America: Part 4 – New Amsterdam Turned New York

The Prestige of Mattering

The Journey: 3 Weeks to Build an Ark – B

The Journey: 3 Weeks to Build an Ark – A

178 Pentecost 2: More. Much, Much More.

More. Much, much more.

Neologistic Parabiotics

The Journey: The Way of Proverbs – B

The Journey: The Way of Proverbs – A

177 Trinity: Atunement to the Power

Atunement to the Power

A shadow of death

A shadow of death

Unity is Normal

The Time-Space Continue-Be

I am linked, therefore I am*

Collision course

Run Toward the Tomb with Philadelphia! – Part II

Run Toward the Tomb with Philadelphia! – Part I

Murder your dreams

A Jew Inwardly

Odds and Ends 05.22.23

Run Toward the Tomb with Laodicea - Part II

State of fear

Run Toward the Tomb with Laodicea - Part I

175 Easter 7: Murder Your Dreams

All that glisters..

Psalm 46 and the Future of the Church

One direction only

It's you. It's me.

Run Toward the Tomb with Berea - Part II

Run Toward the Tomb with Berea - Part I

Quickhits for the Eyebuds #174

Odds and Ends 05.15.23

The Legend of Donatism and Other Savory Tales for Winsome Lads

Run Toward the Tomb with Antioch - Part II

Run Toward the Tomb with Antioch - Part I

By hand

Standing by to do good

They're here

Odds and ends 05.08.23

2023 Men’s Gathering Final Session

Run Toward the Tomb with Paul - Part II

Run Toward the Tomb with Paul - Part I

172 Easter 4: Save Your Pride

Channeling Old Demons

Run toward the tomb with Peter Part II

Run toward the tomb with Peter Part I

How Honest Should I Be?

Blue checks for me, but not for thee

Taking life into our own hands

Best. Force. Ever.

085 - Announcement

Crucifix-shaped notification

Commands vs Promises

Being the antidote

Psalms to rule your spirit

Don't box the air

Run toward the tomb!

Reject Modernism

170 Easter 2: Reject Modernity

A little too chatty

Disturbing the disturbed

A Most Pleasant Ingredient

How to Read the Bible: Mark 16 Part II

How to Read the Bible: Mark 16 Part I

How to Read the Bible: Mark 14:1-26

084 The Political Whisperer

Glory or the Cross?

Learn to surf

Home Grown Horrors

How to Read the Bible: Mark 12:28-13:37 Part II

How to Read the Bible: Mark 12:28-13:37 Part II

How to Read the Bible: Mark 12:28-13:37 – Part I

How to Read the Bible: Mark 12:28-13:37 – Part I

How to Read the Bible: Mark 11:27-12:27

How to Read the Bible: Mark 11:27-12:27

083 April 1st

Reclaiming surrender

All your songs

Bot moratorium

168 Palm Sunday: All Your Songs

Railroad Economics 101

How to Read the Bible: Mark 10:46-11:26 Part II

How to Read the Bible: Mark 10:46-11:26 Part II

How to Read the Bible: Mark 10:46-11:26 Part I

How to Read the Bible: Mark 10:46-11:26 Part I

082 Feed the Trolls Meat Only - No Snacks!

The real tradwives of Modernland

Almost like the real thing

My first veto

My pronouns are “un/suitable”

How to Read the Bible: Mark 10:1-45

How to Read the Bible: Mark 10:1-45

Field trips with Jesus

The Myth of America: Part 3 - From Forgotten Places

081 How to get in a stupid debate


Task vs time-oriented

How to Read the Bible: Mark 8:34-38, 9:30-50 Part II

How to Read the Bible: Mark 8:34-38, 9:30-50 Part II

How to Read the Bible: Mark 8:34-38, 9:30-50 Part I

How to Read the Bible: Mark 8:34-38, 9:30-50 Part I

How to Read the Bible: Mark 8:14-33

How to Read the Bible: Mark 8:14-33

How to Read the Bible: Mark 7:24-8:12 Part II (fixed)

How to Read the Bible: Mark 7:24-8:12 Part II (fixed)

ChatGPT For the Win For the War

Crisis: partially averted

166 Lent 4: ChatGPT For the Win For the War

The Myth of America: Part 2 - Revenge of Boshor

165 Lent 3: Unbelievable

080 The Love of Money

Reading to your angel

Slow drip is good

How to Read the Bible: Mark 7:24-8:12 Part I

How to Read the Bible: Mark 7:24-8:12 Part I

How to Read the Bible: Mark 6:53-7:23

How to Read the Bible: Mark 6:53-7:23


No discrimination detected

Blew up the bank

Transgender lawsuits

The Myth of America: Part 1 - In the Arena

How to Read the Bible: Mark 6:7-7:52 Part I

How to Read the Bible: Mark 6:7-7:52 Part I

How to Read the Bible: Mark 6:7-7:52 Part I

How to Read the Bible: Mark 6:7-7:52 Part I

How to Read the Bible: Mark 5:21 to 6:6

How to Read the Bible: Mark 5:21 to 6:6

079 What are you now?

164 Lent 2: Where We Stand

Outsmart your doubts

Why do you ask?

Your Own Ruins

078 "Explaining" God

Jesus is not a hobby

How to Read the Bible: Mark 4:21-5:20 Part II

How to Read the Bible: Mark 4:21-5:20 Part II

How to Read the Bible: Mark 4:21-5:20 Part I

How to Read the Bible: Mark 4:21-5:20 Part I

162 Transfiguration: Trust Not

163 Lent 1: Wide Closed

How to Read the Bible: Mark 3:13-4:20

How to Read the Bible: Mark 3:13-4:20

The World City

How to Read the Bible: Mark 2:18-3:12 Part II

How to Read the Bible: Mark 2:18-3:12 Part II

How to Read the Bible: Mark 2:18-3:12 Part I

How to Read the Bible: Mark 2:18-3:12 Part I

077 Don't settle for guilt

Being ready to die

Searching for the Silver Bucket

How to Read the Bible: Mark 1:35-2:17 Part II

How to Read the Bible: Mark 1:35-2:17 Part II

How to Read the Bible: Mark 1:35-2:17 Part I

How to Read the Bible: Mark 1:35-2:17 Part I

076 Friday Night Special

161 Epiphany 6: After Continence

Mutual submission is not a thing

The Carefree Spirit

160 Epiphany 5: Revival

075 Perspicuity Vs. The Nihilism

How to Read the Bible: Mark

How to Read the Bible: Mark

How to Read the Bible: Mark 1:1-15

How to Read the Bible: Mark 1:1-15

How to Read the Bible: Mark 9:1-29 Part II

How to Read the Bible: Mark 9:1-29 Part II

How to Read the Bible: Mark 9:1-29 Part I

How to Read the Bible: Mark 9:1-29 Part I

Gay Yankees

074 Fight the Machines, Fight the Madness

Apples and oranges

In memorial of me

159 Epiphany 4: Just Pretending

Lost arts

One Shot: Psalm 139 Life Sunday Part II

One Shot: Psalm 139 Life Sunday Part II

One Shot: Psalm 139 - Life Sunday Part I

One Shot: Psalm 139 - Life Sunday Part I

073 End the bloodshed

"Be nice" is not the Gospel

Fear God not man

Population is Power

158 Epiphany 3: All These Stories Are Not Connected

Comma, God Willing

One Shot: 1 Corinthians 1-2

One Shot: 1 Corinthians 1-2

One Shot: 2 Kings 5 What Does Naaman the Syrian have to Do with You?

One Shot: 2 Kings 5 What Does Naaman the Syrian have to Do with You?

072 Disciple Means Disciplined

The place for modesty

Mixing darkness with light

157 Epiphany 2: In Front of Our Eyes

One Shot - Isaiah 42 - Part II

One Shot - Isaiah 42 - Part II

One Shot - Isaiah 42 - Part I

One Shot - Isaiah 42 - Part I

071 Deo Volente

You are their mission

Doesn’t Belong

156 Epiphany 1: Remember the TruLore

Pretense of Clarity

How to Read the Bible: Isaiah 10 - Part II

How to Read the Bible: Isaiah 10 - Part II

How to Read the Bible: Isaiah 10 - Part I

How to Read the Bible: Isaiah 10 - Part I

070 Let Sleeping Dogs Lie